Where do the weeks go?
I haven't made much progress, well, on anything. And especially not stitching.
One Fish Two Fish - finished stitch 12 of the current round of TAST making this page 1 of my fabric book slash stitch sampler. I haven't washed the pen out yet as I'm worried I'll lose all the marking for the other half of the fabric which is page 2. Have decided I will use this colour scheme for page 2 and then I'm getting rid of it, it looked all very nice on the swatch but in practice its just not doing it for me.
TAST Isolated Stitches challenge - I've got a bit stuck with this. Not sure if its those horribly wonky bullion knots causing my block or if its just the project itself coupled with lack of time. I'm going to spend some time unpicking the bits I don't like this afternoon and see if that helps rejuvenate my interest.
I love loads of French knots! and I'm pretty pleased with how the detached chain came out over the white area, although you can't see in the photo but I have a heap of dog hair caught in there that needs picking out. I might unpick the bottom of his chest there, there are two buttonholed bars that are sitting a bit wonky, there was too much room for just one and not enough room for two. And we all know those bullions have got to go! I do like the colour mix of them though so need to keep that bit. Actually brain wave! Whipped chain might be the ticket... not truly an isolated stitch mind you... But I'd hopefully be able to get the uniformity I need. As theres no real rules to the challenge other than experimenting with isolated stitches its not like I'd be breaking the rules.
Maybe thats what I need to remember - even if there were rules its my project I can do what I like!
Going forward... I wondered about using picots for his thighs... tacked down of course, can't have his thighs flopping about all over the place haha. (Or maybe whipped spoke) The other white area of his chest there I'm thinking raised cross stitch flowers on top in the blue.
Hmm maybe what I needed was just to 'talk' about it... Right I'm off to doing some unpicking!
Thanks for stopping by!