Slow and Steady...
So I'm slowly making progress on the house quilt. I'm finding I don't have much time in the weekends of late so I'm squeezing in a bit of stitching where I can. As a single window frame takes about 3-4 hours its slow going. During the week I'm just mentally exhausted after work and the idea of rounding up bits seems like way too much effort. I'm not capable of much more than picking something to watch on Netflix, so lazy!
I'm pleased with how the pink house is looking so far. I'm still deciding what to do about the eaves of the roof. I did layer two pieces of fabric there. Its hard to see but there is an off white edging slipped under the black. The original picture has small white dots within the black which would work, but I'm just not sure I like the white fabric edging. So do I couch something thicker along there or maybe some small buttonhole stitches or something. I can't take the white fabric out, well I could but it'd be a nightmare and probably end in tears.
I'm also still debating a dark edge around all the big pieces. Close up it looks OK but looking at this photo that first house is definitely blending a little too nicely into the background. Although that might be OK depending on how I stitch/quilt that sky. Ugh the decisions!! haha.
Haven't even made any buttons of late. I have a few images to do, just haven't gotten the bits together to do them. Thats a task for this weekend - getting the bits within reach, so I can just pick them up and make a start while the credits roll on Netflix haha.
Anyway thanks for stopping by and apologies for there not being a lot of progress on anything!