Saturday, March 2, 2019

More buttons...

I've been sick with a nasty cold this last week and haven't done any stitching, or much of anything really.  But I also didn't post the pictures of the buttons I'd made either.  So I do have some show and tell today.  Please note most of these aren't my designs, I've just been picking up images off the web that I either like or its a technique or style I'd like to have a go at.

Its quite funny how different they look being all the same size.  They're actually a mix of maybe 2cm right up for 4cm across.

Things I've learnt:

1.  I can't draw or cut a decent circle to save my life!!
2.  They definitely look better with a bit of padding under the fabric
3.  I still don't get the appeal of variegated thread
4.  I am intrigued by the idea of 3D stitching.  While the bear (or dog or whatever it is) didn't totally live up to expectations I do like the sticky out nature of the ears.  And the sitting off the fabric of the petals of the pink flower.  So I need to think up some more ideas to use that.  Maybe even try one of those hair embroideries that are around on the internet.
5.  I still love French knots but I think I like chain stitch a bit more than I did.  Will try to use it more.
6.  I should really think a bit more about it before using pure white fabric.  There is something to be said for an off white, cream or natural type colour fabric (IMO)
7.  Would like to say I've learnt how best actually make the buttons but I am still finding I have some where the back is quite bulky.  But as I'm only 20ish buttons in I am pretty sure I've still got some lessons to learn.

Hoping to spend some time on the house quilt this weekend but still not feeling that flash, so time will tell.

Oh!  I did get my curtains made.  Did I mentioned they're for peaked windows??  Well I even created a button especially for those curtains (the rude word one), I came across image on the web and it really spoke to me after I managed to cut one of the curtains out the wrong way.  I obviously cut one right side up and the other wrong side up, resulting in two curtains for the same side of the window.  Oh the language!!  But all fixed now and curtains are made and hung.

Thats all I have for now.  Thanks for stopping by!